Wednesday, July 19, 2006

deleted poem



C. E. Chaffin said...

Rob, I can see your craft in this poem and your respect for the art. Anything about the Holocaust is near impossible to write. Your poem takes some discursive byways in approaching he end, but I do not think this poem will fly unless you send it to a Jewish journal. If I had to make one suggesion, it would be to display more feeling in the poem.

Rob said...

C E - you may be right that no magazine would want this. I think there are a few problems with it that I'd need to sort out before submitting it anyway. It's not really at submission stage. A more obvious display of feeling might be part of the answer. Thanks.

scavella said...

How the hiccup did I miss this here?

Anyhow, you've got my comments on Piffle. I read this as being about far, far more than the Holocaust, btw, and suspect that you might find publishers a little further afield than you might think — try blogs published by and for people of colour.

That's if they read it as I did, of course.

scavella said...

Correction - when I wrote "blogs" above, I of course meant "mags".

Rob said...

Thanks Scavella. I did intend it to resonate beyond the historical events of the poem. You read it pretty much as I intended. I'm still thinking on how best to revise it. I do think it can be improved, and your comments at Pffa will be a big help.