The blurb is:
It's 1959 and Edinburgh is celebrating the centenary year of St Cuthbert's Co-operative Association. Excitement mounts as the 'Divvie' (money) is due to be handed out to the members next week, followed by the annual Mannequin Parade at the Central Methodist Halls the week after.
But what happens when some of the 'Divvie' money goes missing and the principal mannequin is knocked down by a car? And who is the mysterious wee Shuggie Wright?
Saturday 5th (Gala Premiere) - Saturday 19th August 2006 at 7.45 pm (not Sundays).
Venue 17, St Peter's, Lutton Place
Ticket Prices: £8.00 & £7.00 (concession)
It’s a comedy, the acting is good, and people actually laughed (a lot) in the private test audience at the final dress rehearsal. So if you’re in Edinburgh for the festival, it’s recommended. Tonight’s show (Saturday 5th) is sold out.
Are you reading this year?
No. There's so much going on that no one would come to see me. During the book festival, we've got Seamus Heaney, Billy Collins, Paul Muldoon, and lots more. It's the worst time of the year to read if you're not well known.
There are free open-mic readings at the Poetry Library. I might read something at one of those.
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