Monday, November 28, 2005

Read, Browse and...Buy?

You can read a sample poem from my chapbook and an author biography (of a kind) at this link.

You can find details here of how to order a copy. The cost is £3 for UK residents and £4 for non-UK residents - including postage.
There are three methods - by cheque if you have a UK cheque book, through PayPal, or you can email HappenStance to find another method if none of these suit.

And you can browse other HappenStance publications here, including Winter Gifts, the anthology of new poems grouped around the theme of winter, and the new edition of Sphinx, a magazine full of interviews, reviews and poems, all with a connection to recent chapbook publications.
It's difficult to recommend one book or another because they're all pretty good, but you can read a sample poem from each book at the site, and if you find issue 2 of Sphinx, you can read a selection of reviews online that didn't make it into print - these will give you the general idea.

I've just realised that you can also buy it from But Amazon add on a £1.99 "sourcing fee", will take 4-6 weeks to deliver it, and will also make you pay postage on top! Clearly, ordering direct from HappenStance is the better way.


Rik said...

About bloody time!

Oh, yeah. Congratulations & stuff.

Rob said...

Thanks Rik.

Looks like the HappenStance server has suddenly gone down. What an opportune time for that to happen! Maybe it's because it can't cope with all the traffic. Heh.

Rob said...

Looks like the HappenStance site is working again.

William said...

Congrats, Rob. All the best.

Rob said...

Bill, Harry - thanks.

Bill - The latest poem on your blog to date, Gaia the Green Goddess, is a real cracker - it sails close to the edge the way a lot of good poems do.

Harry - 53p, but not too much over? That's tricky.
But I think you're right that buying direct puts more money into the small press. So thanks again.