Me: Do you still have a monthly poetry-reading event here?
Barmaid: Never heard of that.
Me: It used to happen in the little room upstairs. The readings would always be interrupted by crashing pans and plates.
Barmaid: That’s because the room’s next to the kitchen. But no, we don’t have it anymore.
Me: It’s still on the Scottish Poetry Library’s list of events. I’ll email them and ask them to delete it (I did this and it's now gone).
Barmaid: I think they have poetry readings in a café down the road. I always thought it was kind of… weird.
Me: Weird?
Barmaid: Well, you know…
Me: I suppose it depends who’s reading. It might be weird. But not always.
Barmaid: It’s just… This bar is more into live jazz and stuff. I can’t imagine poetry here (shaking head). It's a strange thing to do.
Me: It was a good event. Really. And you had jazz back then too.
Barmaid: Well, at the jazz events, we always get good sales at the bar. I expect that’s why the poetry got stopped.
Me: (speechless…)
Sounds like poetry has something of an image problem!
Hi Rob, I love the barmaid's candour... I am racking my brains and trying to think what Bar Brel was *before* it was Bar Brel - I was at Glasgow Uni in 80s, but I just can't recall. But there was no poetry then, I would remember that.
Hilarious -- in a saddening sort of way :)
I guess poets just don't drive people to drink...not like jazz badns do.
"Sounds like poetry has something of an image problem!"
You think?! Heh.
Great story.
nmj - the Brel is in Ashton Lane, more or less opposite the cinema. I can't remember what it was before becoming the Brel, although I do have a vague memory of the Brel opening. It's a very nice bar, my pub of choice on those rare occasions when I'm in the West End of Glasgow.
Aisha - the thing is, the poets did drink! Before, in the middle-break, and afterwards. But the perception seems to be that poets are a sober (and no doubt humourless) lot.
Nic - Glad you enjoyed the story.
hey again rob, yeah, i know ashton lane well, i lived in west end for years, but i just can't remember pre-bar brel, it is driving me crazy! . . . maybe it was unused & empty, that is poss.
It says on the Brel's website that it used to be a stable and coach house. But I imagine that was before my time and yours.
I can't remember either, I'm afraid.
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