Thursday, March 01, 2007

New Poem - deleted

This won’t be on this blog for long – around 24 hours from now it will disappear – and I’ll no doubt tinker with it over the next while



Matt Merritt said...

Nice poem, Rob. Love the last stanza too.

apprentice said...

Yes I'm glad I caught it. Right now he'll be getting a few offering from people with knackered oxygen sensors! Maybe your timing was divine?

Colin Will said...

What's the saint's name? I need it for my Hagiography of Improbable Saints, which includes Saint Senga of the Bird Table, Saint Michael of Sensible Underwear and Saint Biscuit of Thebes.

Unknown said...

Seems timely to me! I'm trying to get my car through an NCT resit (MOT) and I'm spending a lot fo time in petrol stations lately...

Rob said...

Thanks everyone. I’m glad you enjoyed the poem.

Colin, you’ll be pleased to know there is a guy called Eligius, who seems to fit the bill, although the poem isn’t really about him.

Colin Will said...

Sounds like the right saint for my family. They were mostly agricultural workers, and my late father was a watchmaker. I'll change my allegiance from Saint Rolf of the Miraculous Board now.

Dave said...

Very promising, Rob.

Larry said...

That was a great catch, Rob, with a nudge from Jim. It's fun to watch the germination of a good poem.

Rob said...

Thanks, folks. It's gone now.

Ben Wilkinson said...

Rob, I read the piece earlier and didn't have chance to comment at the time. Enjoyed it from what I recall: an interesting balance of humour with a serious poetic tone. Good stuff, I reckon!

Oh, and since you mentioned a while back that you enjoyed the podcast of Patrick Wolf that I posted, there's a review of his new album, The Magic Position, on my blog, should you care to have a read.

Rob said...

Ben, thanks. I read your review, and you've sold me the album - at least when I get round to buying it after Easter. It sounds really interesting.